
Roles and access rules at

On this platform every registered user has a role. Every role has specific capacities. In the research and publication process people collaborate in these roles.



Students are registered and can see all content on They can add and edit content for the project and workspace they are in. Students are able to request and answer feedback, and to request publication of their work, addressed to the professor involved.

Stakeholders are registered and are able to view all content on They can add and edit content for the project and workspace they are in. The stakeholders can request and answer feedback. The case-editor can publish their work on request.

Case editors
Case-editors are students or stakeholders and can edit the showcase of the project they are involved in, to showcase the project's best work.

Professors (and/or coach)
Professors are registered and can see all content on  They can coach students in the workspace and research project. Professors are able to give and receive feedback. Professors also receive publication requests and are allowed to validate or reject these requests. Some professors are also editors.

Editors are capable to create and edit all content on the platform, both frontend and backend in Ginger. This means they are allowed to create new users, new minors, new projects with workspaces etcetera.

The editor in chief, with the editorial board, is responsible for the overall functioning of this platform. Please send comments and critiques to

Editorial Board
The editorial board is responsible for the functioning of this platform and the content it produces and presents. Daily affairs are dealt with by editor-in-chief, Caroline Nevejan. For more info please look here.