

After the research phase, at the end of week 2 or the beginning of week 3 we will finish a brief report on our results of the research. The prototypes need to be constructed before the Christmas holidays, so at the end of week 6, but it is possible to let the clay dry during these weeks. The prototyping phase and the sales phase overlap in the ninth week and we expect that preparing the prototypes for testing and evaluation could take a bit longer. However, this will not be a problem, because we could start the activities in the sales phase, while the prototypes are being prepared for the tests and evaluation. At the end of week 11 we will finish the whole project. As a conclusion to our project we will give a presentation to KITA about what we have done and what can be done next.


Week #




Week 1

Research phase

Getting to know the university, the environment and the people

Discussing about the information collection during the visits with the students

Planning the visits to the Kenkey makers


Week 2

Research phase

Visiting the Kenkey makers

Analysing the collected information from the visits

Finish Research, write short report of our findings

Week 3

Prototyping phase

Testing the cookstove that was made last year

Brainstorming for improvements in connection with the results from the research phase.


Week 4

Prototyping phase

Drawing new designs/improvements for the cookstove

Starting with collection of materials for the prototypes

Consult the cookstove experts


Week 5

Prototyping phase

Designing the prototypes and building the prototypes


Week 6

Prototyping phase

Designing the prototypes and building the prototypes

Finish prototype(s)

Week 7

Christmas holiday



Week 8

Christmas holiday



Week 9

Prototyping phase and Sales phase

Feedback on our prototypes, if possible visit the Kenkey makers to evaluate together.

Analysing marketing research


Week 10

Sales phase

Evaluate the Business Model Canvas and prepare the follow up of this internship.

Think about a manual


Week 11

Sales phase

Add a marketing plan (creating awareness)

Make a manual

Finish BMC and Marketing Plan, finish the manual

Week 12


Finishing the last things and preparing for going back.