The market research is performed in November en December. In these months we’ll research whether the people in Lima are willing to pay for products made out of plastic PET bottles. In order to perform this market research it is important to define what and who is going to be researched, the so called customer segments.
In this market research we distinguish two types of customer segments. The first one is the middle class of the citizens in Lima. This segment consists of around 5.101.500 people defined by class B and C who earn an average income of 1202,43 euros per month. The second segment consists of public places in Lima. We distinguish two types of public places in Lima. This distinction is mainly performed because we do not want to create any bias. (bias = inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair.) The first one are schools and the second one are middle class restaurants in the areas Miraflores and Barranco in Lima.
Our main research question during this research is: ‘’To what extent are middle class restaurants in Barranco and Miraflores/middle schools, high schools and universities/ the middle class in Lima willing to spend their money on products, made out of recycled plastic bottles?’’
How to collect data?
Data is being collected in two different ways: by a survey sent to people in Lima’s middle class, schools and restaurants and by interviews with a few people from every customer segment. This survey and interview is done by a choice-experiment. This means the respondents will be shown a few different profiles and they have to choose the one most suitable and wanted for themselves.
After receiving the data we’ll analyse through SPSS predictive analytics software. This will show us plausible relations between the different aspects.
After analyzing the data, we’ll deliver a report about the analysis and thereby we’ll give some recommendations on what to produce and certainly what not to produce.