Multipurpose Centre
We will do research on the demands of the people in Chazanga for the multipurpose centre by taking interviews, visits to the area and talking to people in the neighbourhood. This way we hope to get a clear view on their expectations of this centre. The most corresponding requirements will be taken into account during the design process. After a proper design is made, we would like to get feedback from the residents on the design and make adjustments if necessary.
Building Material
The research to a sustainable low-cost building material will be done in three phases. In the first phase is we do further research to the already existing alternative building materials. We will compare the results of the research done by PPHPZ. In the second phase we will test different building materials. The selection of materials will be based on advice from PPHPZ and results of previous research. The materials have to be cheap, locally available and environmentally friendly. In the last phases we will draw conclusion from the resting results and if possible start the production of a new building material.