

Channels are divided into 5 different phases. These phases lead one through the timeframe of the business model. One starts from awareness and goes via evaluation, purchase and delivery to after sales. Where the question arises, what is done after the customer has bought the product?


The radio is the main channel to broadcast the product. This medium is chosen, because it is easily accessible for many farmers. The technique is very solid and the costs are relatively low.

Live contact

To implement the forecast on the radio, a lot of negotiation and convincing has to be done with the key partners. There has to be created awareness of the problem and to be convinced that the weather forecast offers solace to it.
This can only be achieved if there is being spoken to all the key partners in person. The needs of the farmers are to be mapped, the government needs to be involved for probable finance and GMet is essential to cooperate with to succeed on the radio.

Live contact seems to be the best way to communicate. This gives instant input into the project and one can ask questions on both sides. It also helps strengthen the relationship between all stakeholders. 


To prepare for interviews, exchange data and make appointments, email is a great medium. Email is a worldwide tool that is familiar by everyone. It has proved to be very efficient and multifunctional. Next to that it is fast and formal.

When the product is live on the radio, the LBC keeps paying a sufficient amount to Farmerline in order to keep the weather forecast on air. This is where the after sales phase becomes present. It is important to keep the LBC sponsoring for the forecast, even when it does not pay off immediately. The paying LBCs need to keep being involved during this time to strengthen the relationship between Farmerline and them. This will also help sustaining in sponsorship.