
Customer Relationship

To illustrate the customer relationships, first the customers needs to be defined. This can be seen in the customer segment. In this part of the paper, the relation between the organisation and the customer segment will be discussed. Cocoa famers and LBCs are in this Business Model the only customers. There are ways to distinguish between several types of categories of customer relationships.

There are some relationships that are adapted to this business model, but some are not applicable. The customers in this case are thus the LBCs and the cocoa farmers. However, the relations the organisation has is different in both cases.

The cocoa farmers are a community based customer. With a member count of more than 2.3 million nationwide, it makes a very big part of Ghana society. First, like already mentioned in the key activities there will held interviews with cocoa farmers to get a better understanding of the needs they have. If the needs are understood, there is made an analysis of this. After the needs of the farmers are met, there could be made an expansion of the customer relations. Think of setting up a hotline so customer who have trouble accessing the weather data - Farmer Forecast - could be provided of the essential Farmer Forecast data.

On the other side, there are the LBCs, which will form the personal long term relation of the company. It is personal, because there is direct contact with the LBCs to meet their needs and standards. Local Buying Companies are already a part of the Key Resources, Customer Segment and Revenue Stream of the business model canvas. As already stated -in Ghana- it is needed to first have a meeting and a good conversation before talking business. This means that the relation with the LBCs in this stadium is to be known as personal long term to create continuity in the TAHMO project.