
Part of

Texel Research

Regenerate inorganic waste

People use a lot of materials, and they throw away a lot as well. Currently the waste of Texelars is collected and shipped to the main land. In 2013 only 50% of the waste was collected separated; and the municipality aims to have 75% in 2020. Texel produces 700 kg waste per inhabitant every year. Due to the many tourists visiting the island, this amount is much higher than the average 518 kg per person the mainland is producing. In particular the separated collection of plastics from businesses (including holiday parks, campings, hotels etc) seems to be limited. Next to that, there is uncollected waste - plastics in particular - left at the beaches and elsewhere. Aiming for 100% self-sufficiency, how could materials in the future be circulated on the island? If locally treated, would that provide energy as well? How can materials be reused for other needs like custom made souvenirs, sustainable housing, or clothing?