
Design for presence

The first step (chapter 1) in our collaborative research was to explore the gap between the current ST sub-system and the sustainable future ST sub-system. the problem statement should focuss on that gap; our challenge is to design pathways towards a sustsainable future. 

The second step (chapter 2) critically studied daily life, conceptualised as presence by Caroline Nevejan. Using the YUTPA graphs, design space have to be explored in various directions:

- comparing different perspectives on presence in the current ST system, e.g. a Texelar's perspective and a tourist's perspective. This will lead to design space to consider if the current presence can be more sustainable.

- comparing the current and the future sustainable presence. This will show design space for routes towards a sustainable future.

Pathways towards a sustainable future will be further discovered and designed in the coming weeks. Find here the graph that will be used to explore the design space.