
Appendix II

The literature study in paragraph one is based on both literature and on our own intrepatations as given below.

Concept 1.

perception of Pro-environmental people

interpretation of literature

lessons learned / application own topic


To me the image of the pro-environmental person being a hippy type of person, who is willing to sacrifice personal comfort for the higher goal is a bit obsolete. I think there is a large group of ‘normal’ persons who are aware of their environmental impact and act act accordingly without feeling the great sacrifice in their well-being

I see that this paper does not focus much on lifestyle but more the concepts of well being and being pro-environmental. I realise that there are more types of well being.


Pro-environmental behaviour is often perceived as if someone would not do this out of self-interest, because it is perceived as difficult, annoying and possibly negative for the quality of life. If behaving pro-environmental it could be perceived that this person places the ‘higher goal’ of a sustainable world above his own well-being.

In my opinion pro-environmental behaviour could be a synonym for sustainable lifestyle, or at least having a sustainable lifestyle includes pro-environmental behaviour. Thus a sustainable lifestyle could also be perceived as difficult, annoying and possibly negative for the quality of life.


There is a perception that pro-environmental behaviour is mostly for alternative people, with a ‘geitenwollensokken’-character. Actually they all seek for happiness, and they share this with everyone else.

The concept of pro-environmental has a diverse association. When talking about improving the quality of life everyone is seeking for it. According to our own project there is probably a contrast between the locals on the island of Texel.



There is a very loud group of people, who tend to see those who live a pro-environmental lifestyle as extremely off-putting. This is because to the best of their knowledge, people who think sustainability is important give up most of their non-sustainable comforts to live an austere and frugal life, often without the joys the non-sustainable man doesn’t want to think about living without. This is a perception, and a stereotype, and generally wrong. Pro-environmental technologies have advanced to such a degree that sustainable people, can change their lifestyle without giving up the things they find important. In fact, they often reach a higher satisfaction with life, simply through aware living.


It is very interesting that people who are not acting in a sustainable manner think that sustainability will decrease their quality of life, while people who are sustainable think it increases it. While this in part has something to do with different priorities, it is also partly the result of misinformation. In the end, a sustainable approach to technologies is one that sustains the environment, and tries to live without causing major damage, which is the essence of sustainable lifestyles.


Concept 2.

pro-environmental behaviour and hedonistic well-being




Hedonism in my opinion  will only lead to pro-environmental behavior when pro-environmental behavior is strongly supported by society. The hedonistic person is intrinsically motivated to be admired by society and therefore displays pro-environmental behavior.  

When I project these concepts to our lifestyle types I see the local profit person aligned with the Hedonistic well being person and the local planet as the eudaimonic type.


Hedonic well-being is about pleasure. Pro-environmental behaviour does not have an immediate pleasurable outcome. Because of this gap it is difficult to judge the usefulness and effectiveness of the personal engagement, so this does not lead to hedonic well-being. By reframing the big goal into smaller attainable goals hedonic well-being could be derived from pro-environmental behaviour.

The hedonic well-being is in my opinion about the short-term well-being. When a sustainable lifestyle could also lead to short-term well-being, people would be better motivated to have a pro-environmental behaviour. Smaller attainable (sub) goals could be very useful to finally achieve the bigger goal.


Hedonistics pursue a maximum amount of pleasure and this can be in contrast with a pro-environmental behaviour since it can feel as less comfortable.

It seems to be better to cut-down and reframe big goals into smaller ones. People feel by then some kind of progress and eventhough the hedonistic-lifestyle doesnt immediatly matches with the pro-environmental behaviour it is at least a small step forward to bring both groups together. These both groups, so to speak, complement with the Profit Locals and Planet Locals in Texel.



Hedonistic well-being is about the lifestyle of immediate pleasure, and as much of it as possible, as soon as the consumer wishes for it. This is not compatible with the pro-environmental person. Being environmentally aware is about making careful choices about the way you consume and live. Sudden and large desires often do not fit into this lifestyle, as the sustainable option is never the ‘easy’ one, and until it is, these two lifestyles will not be compatible.


A hedonistic lifestyle is about getting pleasure quickly, without any thought for long term goals. This is often the case with the profit person. While not maybe out for ‘pleasure’, they have trouble focusing or being interested in the long term profit without being distracted by the short term losses.


Concept 3.

pro-environmental behaviour and eudaimonic well-being




To me the eudaimonic person is truly intrinsically  motivated to act pro-environmentally because this is connected to his higher goal

hen I project these concepts to our lifestyle types I see the local profit person aligned with the Hedonistic well being person and the local planet as the eudaimonic type.


Eudaimonic is about meaning, a higher purpose in life, personal growth, focussing on the non-materialistic and doing the right things. A pro-environmental behaviour could be a purpose of life in itself, so this is directly linked to the eudaimonic well-being. It is important that the choice for the pro-environmental behaviour is deliberate, is intrinsically and autonomously motivated and is based on norms and values.

The eudaimonic well-being is in my opinion about the long-term well-being. When having a sustainable lifestyle one is already aware of this eudaimonic well-being, so this should be stimulated in order to increase the number of people with a sustainable lifestyle within Texel.


Eudaimonic well-being is about living a good live. This is more about intrinsic values among others participation in social communities. Since pro-environmental behaviour is in a way a meaning of life too and is therefore intrinsic too.

It will be important to motivate people intrinsically to create a good life



Eudamonic well-being is focused on pursuing the right ends. It takes a long term view on life, and tries to live as well as possible, doing virtuous things by deliberately choosing the best and most sustainable option possible. By living like this, you focus on what is most worthwhile to human beings, and the life and continuation of our planet is definitely one of those things.


Eudaimonic lifestyles are people who specifically focus on the long term, against the tendency of most people to focus on short term. A person who is pro-environmental is willing to deny himself some of these short term pleasures in order to do good on the long term. This fits within the planet-local target group.


Concept 4. YUTPA framework




I find the framework hard to use because of its abstract and highly conceptual background. Also as an engineer I feel a bit uncomfortable to realise that the interpretation of the framework dimensions are subjective. (however when is something objective?)

The framework can be very useful in finding the right designspace is value sensitive design


The YUTPA framework follows from a research on the value of presence. The value of presence is very conceptual and theoretical. The YUTPA framework is very subjective. The outcome of the YUTPA framework provides a design space which is based on the most influencing/relevant aspects, so making use of the values that are already relevant, instead of making irrelevant values more relevant.

I think the YUTPA framework is very useful as a tool for discussion and framing the different types of lifestyles, and eventually finding an interesting design space based on these lifestyles. During my study at IDE I never heard of this framework, however I think it could also be useful in that discipline too for out-of-the-box thinking.


 The yupta framework is a tool that helps you research the value of presence in different systems. The model is a usefull tool, though very subjective. Gaps or similarities can be used as design challenges.   The YUPTA model will be used for the TX project and gives us, in the complex definition of a sustainable lifestyle, a helping hand to have good overview of the several design challenges we are facing. 



This is a very subjective framework, focused on presence, and the way in two organizations or stakeholder (groups) collaborate with each other. As the numbers are arbitrary, it can be difficult to see how exact it is. However if the understanding of both is correct, it will point at design aspects which show different numbers. As collaboration works best when organizations are on the same wavelength, so these difference are the design spaces that can be improved. By focusing on these areas, there is the best change for improvement.


This is an interesting tool to see exactly on which aspects of cooperation these two stakeholder groups differ. By analyzing this, we can find the places in which they have different opinions or goals, and work to change this.