2.0. Introduction
If the goal to create a self-sustainable Texel is to be achieved by 2065, a great amount of change will have to take place, both in the development and scale of the technology, and the behavioural patterns of the inhabitants. This is such a large task that it cannot be grasped in one piece. This chapter exists in order to find the design spaces and systems with the most opportunity for change -
2.1 Concepts from Literature
Before the design spaces can be analysed, first the present parties, opinions and knowledge (assorted baggage) must be defined. This assorted baggage is known as a presence. Unlike the most commonly known meaning of the word, their presence is not restricted by their physical location. It has gotten a much wider meaning, in the new and upcoming world of virtual realities, long distance… -
2.3. Life in the future subsystem
A description of the future daily life for the two analysed target groups: the local of Texel, and the seaweed farmer.
The YUTPA image…