In this chapter we build upon the gained knowledge of the previous three chapters and the research done so far in order to design the way (or the different pathways) in order to achieve our goal. An overview on relevant literature for the design of pathways of sustainable development is given in the first section, followed by our ideas on solutions that could be applied in order to define our future sub-system. Section 3 includes strategies and methods that will lead to the desirable goal. Two different pathways are described in section 4, both with the same goal, namely a sustainable accommodation system.
4.1 Literature review
The global political agenda of the last 20 years focused on creating economic and regulatory incentives to drive more sustainable industrial development patterns within and between nation states. This is a result of the improved understanding of how innovation interacts with technological, social and ecological systems. The starting point was the first “earth summit” in Stockholm in 1972 and has… -
4.2 The design of a technological solution
In this section we explain which steps are needed to connect the current state of the sub-system with the desired future. This is to determine how the transition towards a sustainable system to accommodate community will be achieved. The biggest challenge in the transition towards the future sub-system is how to minimize the energy consumption and the overall performance of the current… -
4.3 Description of presence in the future sub-system
The presence of the future system for accommodating the community has to obey to some rules and regulations to define the behavior of this system. With the goal of creating a sustainable system by improving the facilities and increasing the winter tourism, the total integrated rhythm of Texel will change from its current state. So, in order for this plan to succeed, there is the need of defining… -
4.4 Two different path ways to realize goals in 2065
Different literature reviews and the analysis made on the specific sub -system led to the conclusion that for making the accommodation sector fully sustainable the only way is for the facilities to be used 100% all year round. In the same time improving the energy usage of all types of accommodation and taking determined steps over increasing the winter tourism also seem important. Last but not… -
4.5 References
Ely, A., Smith, A., & Stirling, A. (2013). Innovation politics post-Rio+20: hybrid pathways to sustainability? Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 31: 1063-1081. Verbong, G. P., & Geels, F. W. (2010). Exploring sustainability transitions in the electricity sector with socio-technical pathways. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 77(8), 1214-1221.