
Appendix- Research on the users’ opinion towards the transport system

In order to collect useful information about the situation of the transport in Texel, a survey has been made to be filled be the local people and the visitors. This will serve us to contrast our inception of the weaknesses of the system with the opinion of its users. Consequently, the results of the survey should serve as well to determine if the concepts introduced to solve these weaknesses are in the right direction or not.

The questionnaire is as follows:

To residents of Texel

Characterization of the interviewed
o Sex
o Age
o Occupation

Use of private car
o How often do you do island-mainland trips? Which mean of transport do you use to do so? What is the reason for the trip?
o How often do you use the car for transports inside Texel?

o How adequate would you rate the island for travelling by bicycle?
o Have you made use of any bike rental? How would rate the service in general? Any comments?

Public transport
o How often do you use the public transport for trips inside Texel?
o Rate the following aspects of the public transport in Texel:
 Frequency
 Punctuality
 Accessibility to the island’s locations
 Comfort

o What is your opinion on the new mini-buses?
o What aspects would you change of the public transport in Texel to make it more adequate to your needs?

To temporary visitors

Characterization of the interviewed:
o Gender
o Age
o Occupation

Planning the transport for the trip
o When planning the trip to Texel, do you read any source of information about the transport in the island?
o How would you rate the usefulness of such information?
Use of different types of transport
o Which vehicle do you use for travelling to Texel island? What is the reason why you choose this type of transportation?
o How much do you use the following vehicles to move around the island? (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%)
o Car
o Bicycle
o Buses
o Could you mention some common trips that you do related to the activities inside the island?

o How adequate would you rate the island for travelling by bicycle?
o Have you made use of any bike rental? How would rate the service in general? Any comments?

Public transport
o Rate the following aspects of the public transport in Texel:
 Frequency
 Punctuality
 Accessibility to the island’s locations
 Comfort

o Did you know about the new mini-buses service? What is your opinion on it?
o What aspects would you change of the public transport in Texel to make it more adequate to your needs?

A problem that we are facing in relation to the survey is how to reach enough people of different situations (local/tourist) and different social status to be consistent for analysis. For both surveys, a digital form of survey should be chosen so that it can be sent by e-mail and it is easy to deliver. Reaching the local people seems relatively easy as we have direct contact with some people that have lived for years in Texel. Having contact with the temporary visitors will be a more difficult task as their presence in the island is not as much notified and they are only present in high season (which lies out of the time scope of this project). An option could be talking to different accommodation services and ask them to send the survey to their guests, though it is likely that they do not accept to do so. In case this is not successful, it is also considered talking to the municipality of Texel and see if they can help us on that point.