
A change in diet

A change in diet
With the last few months, more and more people are stimulated to change their diets. Most of the people already how much impact the whole food industry had on the environment. But through the latest updates about having a greater chance to get cancer from red meat, discussions got lid up again.
Personally, I´m always busy with what I eat and what kind of nutrition’s are in the food that I eat. I know that many other people are less busy with this. But with the help of the news, I hear more and more people around me making more considerable choices. It is for the first time that I heard someone talking about making Christmas food with grasshoppers to make a statement. Before, when someone was against eating meat the main choice for this was mainly the harm against the animals. It does take a new turn, because now it is ok to state your opinion about the impact of food on an environmental level.
With this lowered threshold, I started to change my diet more and more towards a ´less meaty` diet. I do love meat, and many other friends around me. But with this change in opinions, it becomes acceptable to cook sometimes evening dinner without meat. The main problem only being, substitutes do taste too horrible and experimental cooking with insects is hindered by the European Union. Therefore, to stimulate the mass even more, new protein food solutions have still to be found. With the technology trend of 3d printing, it might offer new changes into food processing. It is already possible to print a burger, now the next step should be processing insects or soya beans this way. As the main problem lies within recreating the structure of meat, innovations in the 3d printer area might over solutions. If this will happen in the future, maybe more and more people are willing to change their diet even more and accept a different way of processing and eating their food.
