
Interview Report

Interviews report

1) Coffee bars & restaurant at the TU Delft Campus


In the second week of this course we started looking at the TU Delft faculty and their dealing with organic matter. At this same time we interviewed the coffee bars in the Aula and the library and the restaurant in the Aula.


In the Aula and library the separation of waste was not really well organised. Most of the garbage was collected in one and the same bin. In the Aula were separated bins, but only for separation of plastics, biodegradable utensils and the other waste. No separate bin was placed for organic waste. In the end most of the waste ended up all together.


By asking the restaurant what they did with organic waste themselves they told us that in the kitchen they do separate organic waste.


In the coffee bars is interesting what happens to the organic coffee residue. The coffee residue of the Aula used to be picked up by a company that let mushrooms grow on the kek. This also being done in Tropicana (Rotterzwam). But later this initiative stopped and now the residue is thrown away with all the other waste. So they are open to initiatives, but is should be offered and simple.


The people of the coffee bar in the library told us that they do nothing with the waste. The coffee residue is thrown away with the other waste and not separated. But they are really into good initiatives. So if we would find out a solution they would be happy to cooperate. They would do this on condition that it would be made easy for them. They are able and willing to separate coffee residue and organic waste but it should be picked up from their company. They do not need to put extra effort and time in it for bringing it away etc.