
4.3. Presence in the future of managing organic matter

In this sub-chapter we deliver a detailed description of presence in the future sub-system. The prevailing technology in the future of the sub-system will be outlined. Questions like: how will the technologies be embedded in culture and behavior? and: how will the elements in the system be interrelated? will play a central rol. Also the way of organization the rules and regulations in the future system will be discussed

Managing organic food

It is important to have a focus point, which will also be the starting point. As change is driven by agents, which are the people, it is important that they are involved and cooperate. The change of both the subsystem as the total socio-technical system will start from creating a meeting center on Texel. This meeting center will be placed in a vacant building which gives that another function. Preferably this building will be close to De Hamster, which will become a processing place for the organic waste on Texel, as will be explained later and in section 4.4. By being close to the Hamster guided tours can be organised to the processing place to show the importance to both the residents and the tourists. The tourists may even buy a little bag of ‘Typical Texel Compost’ or something similar.


This meeting center will become a mixed use of a factory, restaurant, cultural building and information building, as will be explained below.


Firstly, it is important to reduce the spilling of organic waste. Food that is already bought or grown and will not be used by the people can be brought to this meeting center. Other people can come there and pick up the food, just like a ‘Voedselbank’, but then for all the people. This food can be brought by the people that are going to eat in this restaurant. This food can be used for feeding the animals at the farm.


Secondly, the reuse of products will be an focus point. Food that is still left over will be used by the factory for providing meals etc. in the restaurant. Further, this restaurant will make use of other local products from farms on Texel. The use of local product reduce the use of transportation manners.


The meeting place will also reuse waste from companies and households in the surroundings. For example, coffee residue will be picked up from households and bars, which will can used for different things. One up graded product can be, growing mushrooms on it. These mushrooms will be used in the restaurant.


Thirdly, the meeting center will have an educative aim. The center will become an information point that provides information, workshops, meetings and manuals about the sustainability transition of Texel. In particular they provide information for managing organic matter.


Managing organic waste from households and companies

De Hamster, recycling platvorm Texel, has an assessment on waste management. Their aim is that waste should be prevented and shouldn’t be seen as useless. Their vision is seems to be that the output, which was waste before, can be used for other intern production processes or sold to other companies. (Recycling Platvorm, u.k.)This is a system that should be designed and integerated in the working system of a company. The organic output can used as input for other process, be sold to another companies or brought to the recycling platvorm where it will turn into another product which can be used again.


In the design of the meeting center waste will be seen as usefull output as well. The input will deliver output, that can be used as input again, to create a closed loop system. Organic products that fit to the Texel climate will be produced in the meeting center. The typical vegatables of this region, and the typical vegatables of that time of the year will be used for preparing the menu of the restaurant. Further more the cattle will be feed by organic food. The rest products out of this process will be integrated into another or the same proces. The same for the waste products.


Besides the organic matter left-overs can be sold or send to other institutions. The organic waste of the households and companies will be separated by the indivuduals. Then it will be picked up and collected by the municipality. This will be processed at De Hamster on Texel. De Hamster can be visited by both tourists and citizens. De Hamster has an assessment on waste management.


Energy use for Production or Recycling

The aim for the meeting center is that energy needed for production and recycling should spoil resources. Natural and local resources like wind can be used to gain energy. The energy can be used during the production and recycling process, but also for the restaurants and visitors.