
Appendix 1.1 Literature Review

Our team draw inspiration from the literature to start thinking and designing for Texel. We started by using an article (Pesch, 2015) and a book chapter (Borræs & Edler, 2014) to delineate our idea of how Texel currently innovates and how it can engage in the process of permanently innovate.  From that literature, we collected the concepts that we found most useful for our research. Therefore, each table below introduces one of the concepts; for each concept, each member of the team gave its own interpretation and how he or she thinks that we can use it for the research.

Table 1 Concept: socio-technical and innovation systems

 Socio-Technical and Innovation Systems

(Borræs & Edler, 2014)

Team member

Concept interpretation

Lesson(s) learned


A whole made by social and technical entities, as well as their interactions. The whole adapts, learns, evolves and many times, has a purpose or objective.

We can think of Texel as a socio-technical system, and Permanently Innovate, as a subsystem. We will identify the current innovations and imagine how a Permanently Innovate system would look like and how we can get there, including an objective and social and technological requirements.


The interplay between technological and social elements like knowledge, technological artefacts, actors and various forms of infrastructure. The direction in which the innovation takes place however, is uncertain.

Both, social and technological aspects are important for the system. One can not exist without the other. Because of conflicting or ambiguous experiences and expectations within the social part, the whole direction of the innovation system becomes uncertain.


The identifiable interaction between technology, and society: knowledge, actors, regulations, artefacts and infrastructure. These interacting elements serve a specific purpose.

Change can only take place when the system changes along with the desired technological change. Therefore, the social elements of the system should be(come) willing to comply with the desired state of the system.


A cooperation between technology suppliers (scientists, innovators, entrepreneurs, firms, etc.) - technical aspects -  and demanders (society) - social aspects - leading to the development of knowledge in a specific context

Both sides, social and technical, are fundamental to the development and success of these systems, even though more attention is usually given to the technology supply side of this system, the social actors acceptability and interaction is fundamental.


Table 2 Concept: governance of change

 Governance of Change

(Borræs & Edler, 2014)

Team member

Concept interpretation

Lesson(s) learned


Conscious way in which actors in a socio-technical system shape their interactions to achieve certain change in the system.

Creating a Permanently Innovate sub-system in Texel requires governance of change. Some actors might like the change but other may resist it. Governance of change will be the process to achieve a common vision, design a pathway and walking towards the goal.


Interaction between the different actors in the STI systems. Depending on their position within the system, each of them based on a different aspect of the nature of the change (who, what, how or why).

In order to ‘design’ our proposed future situation for Texel in 2065, we should be aware of all the different actors and their position within the (sub)-system.


Intentional interaction between actors in the ST&I system, fostering or inhibiting change in a certain direction and in a certain way.

While designing a pathway to reach our desired future sub-system, it is helpful to investigate the interests of all actors and specifically identify which actors might prevent change and why.


An intentional interaction between actors provoking transformation on a ST&I system. The nature of this transformation depends on the interpretation of the actors.

It is important to identify which actors interactions are important to provoke a change in a system; as well as other actors who may or not will to the change to happen and their motivations. This identification allows a better understanding of the system and the strategies that should be adopted.


Table 3 Concept: sustainability transition

Sustainability Transition

(Pesch, 2015)

Team member

Concept interpretation

Lesson(s) learned


Socio-technical systems have a set of social rules, called regime, that determine how the actors manage the technology, how they interact with it and with each other and even how they understand the world. A sustainable transition is one that achieves the desired and desirable change in that regime.

Our work with Permanently Innovate needs to focus on a change of regime in order to achieve sustainable change. Thus, we need to think in the long term and not only in temporary projects.


 A major, structural change or transition of the system in which the system becomes more sustainable by changing the (collective) vision of the different actors within (and outside of) the system.

People are not used to change or even reluctant to it. Especially with keeping in mind that we are ‘designing’ for 2065, this structural change for Texel maybe should be (slowly) phased.


The major development transforming a system into a sustainable version of this system, requiring a change in perspective, different actions and revised interactions within the system.

We should keep in mind that we design for 50 years from now. Hence, we can think big, and should discuss the desired perspective of Texelaars as well.


 A considerable change in the current configuration of the society in focus, leading to a harmonious relation between its multiple actors leading to a sustainable environment.

A big change in a society with the objective of transforming it into a sustainable ensemble requires actions of multiple actors at the same time. In Texel we should focus on integration of different areas to allow this change to be developed.


Table 4 Concept: agency


(Pesch, 2015)

Team member

Concept interpretation

Lesson(s) learned


Describes the resources, like political power, social relations, monetary or natural capital, that actors in a system have and that can be used to achieve a transition.

 When we study our socio-technical system and sub-system, we need to think not only on who are the actors involved, but also in terms of the agency they possess.


An individual, organization or set of  linked actors established to provide a particular service or to have a particular influence on the system.

There is more to the system than only its elements and their interplay or relationships.


Certain actors can actively influence the system by acting. Agent-based approach suggests looking at the impact and behaviour of agents.

The system can not only be described by its elements and their interactions; we need to also consider the relevant agents.


Consists on the actors of the social factor of ST&I systems. Their impact on the success of these systems is fundamental.

 A ST&I system depends as much as on the supply as on the demand part of the interactions. It is important to understand the behaviour and motivations of actors on the development of a ST&I system.


Table 5 Concept: socio-technical niche

Socio-technical Niche

(Pesch, 2015)

Team member

Concept interpretation

Lesson(s) learned


Spaces that are smaller and more protected than the real world, where people are able to experiment with different technologies and regimes. They can accelerate a transition process by exploring what a change would bring.

 Depending on what perspective we choose, we can imagine Texel as a niche for technological innovations in Europe or even further away. We can also imagine projects in Texel as niches to trigger the transition of the entire island.  


A small system with a discursive field with little fixation, in which, thus, changes easily could be made and in which innovation or new technologies could be created with accelerated speed.

Because they have space for change, for Texel, socio-technical niches are important in order to build a successful innovative sustainable system. However, they need continuous development to become bigger (regimes). 


A small and guarded sub-system in which a new technology or new idea is being tested. It needs external stimulation, because it is not yet ready to compete on the mainstream market.

Niches need active protection and stimulation, allowing the product to be further developed. Once it is successful within the niche, it is possible to scale it up.


A socio-technical niche can be interpreted as the starting point of transitions in a system. It is where innovations have their initial push to be developed. It is the smaller unit of a socio-technical system.

A niche is an important phase in the development of an innovation, it provides a safe environment for failure and adjustments before the innovation is exposed to a general market.


Table 6 Concept: socio-technical regime

Socio-technical Regime

(Pesch, 2015)

Team member

Concept interpretation

Lesson(s) learned


 Socio-technical systems have a set of social rules, called regime, that determine how the actors manage the technology, how they interact with it and with each other and even how they understand the world.

 Our work with Permanently Innovate needs to focus on a change of regime in order to achieve sustainable change. We need to understand what is the current regime in the island, if any.


 Includes different (partly) connected actors in different social groups or institutions, all following a specific set of rules. Change does occur, but less recognizable and slower than at the niche level because its constraining influence is less strong.

For Texel this might mean that, on the long term, social-technical regimes could be used in order to keep the (by then) set sustainable system intact. However, to keep permanently innovating, niches are needed.


The context in which a technology develops, containing the mainstream market. Regular actors, regulations, infrastructures and competition act upon the regime.

On Texel, the socio-technical regime needs to change, in order to create an overall sustainability-oriented system.


Is the environment in which the actors of different socio-technical niches interact. However they are still not affected by major external factors as they are still “embedded in institutions and infrastructures” (RIP et al., 1998 apud Pesch, 2015).


The existence of a regime is important to take the second step on the development of an innovation. After it has been established within a niche it is important to see the reactions and inputs from different niches regarding it.



Borræs, S., & Edler, J. (2014). The Governance of Socio-Technical Systems: Explaining Change: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Pesch, U. (2015). Tracing discursive space: Agency and change in sustainability transitions. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 90, 379-388.