
5.2 expectations and tensions other subsystems


5.2.    Discuss expectations and potential tensions with other sub-systems within sustainable Texel. 

Accommodate community


This sub system focusses on the tourism of the island. Our research has shown that tourists visit the island to not only enjoy and experience the nature, but also because of the food. The Cuisine of Texel. We expect that this trend will not be harmed by focussing on the production of even more products on the island itself, as they’ll only be able to enjoy more of these specialty products.

Potential Tensions

It might be a possibility that the tourists enjoys and focusses on the cuisine of Texel because they view this as something exclusive. Something that not even everyone on the island enjoys, and if this is the case the tourists might consider these products good enough.

Close the water chain


By increasing the local food production on Texel the sub system ‘Feed Texel’ will produce more waste water due to the possible fertilisers being used. The waste water produced by our SS should be treated by the Close The Water Chain SS in order to send it back to the farms for reuse. By forming a closed loop circle for ‘food production’ related water the transport of the water needed could be reduced.

Potential Tensions

Any chemicals in the waste water must be disposed correctly.

Go emission-free


This SS wishes to go emission free, which will affect the transportation possibilities on the island itself. By focussing on selling the products at the farms themselves or at local markets the transport could be reduced.

Potential Tensions

By selling foods on the respective farms themselves transport from these farms towards the supermarkets could be reduced, but it does mean the residents of the island themselves  have to travel greater distances which could increase the amount of emissions in case this is done by cars.


Live with Salination


Saline agriculture is a new and nearly unique technology which could be beneficial to the ‘Feed Texel’ subsystem. It could help promote the unique cusine that is available on the island as well as help increase the production of food itself.


Potential Tensions

No potential tensions, because this SS has the same aim as ‘Feed Texel’.

Live with the Sea


This SS is about using new technologies for sea weed farming and benefits our SS as well. Sea weed farming in the sea around the island can be considered as food grown or produced on Texel. It will help increase the amount of food produced and like saline agriculture, it is something new. It’s a new trend, a super food and the fact that this could be enjoyed on the island (maybe as for now only place in the netherlands) would make this exclusive and fits the promotion of the cusine of Texel.  


Potential Tensions

No potential tensions, because this SS has the same aim as ‘Feed Texel’.

Organic Matter Matters


By increasing the food production on the island the amount of waste related to this will also increase. Most of this waste will be organic and therefore bio-degradable. We expect that this organic waste can be further used as compost , natural fertiliser for the agricultural soil our SS needs to reach our goal. Another possibility might be using the organic waste to produce bio mass.

Potential Tensions

The organic waste generated by the farmlands must be disposed properly, as this waste could produce methane and other gasses there’s a possible environmental threat.

Permanently Innovative


This SS focusses on creating an online universtity; with the help of MOOC’s. This would increase the engagement of not only the residents but also possible (future) tourists. These online courses could be a great oppurtunity to help increase the awareness regarding the food production on the island. What is needed and what can be produced; let people become aware of where and how their food is produced and why this is better for them, for the community and for the island as a total.


Potential Tensions

No potential tensions, because this SS has the same aim as ‘Feed Texel’.

Regenerate Inorganic Waste


We think a large part of the inorganic waste that’s currently being thrown away on the island originates from food. Prepackaged fruits and vegetables, plastic wraps or baskets for meat, breads, etc. By focussing on the increase of locally produced foods the packaging of these goods could be changed as well. If the foods are mostly sold form the farms themselves, it could be possible that one brings their own bag to collect apples, potatos, etc.This would eliminate the packaging of these goods.


Potential Tensions

No potential tensions, because this SS has the same aim as ‘Feed Texel’.

Sustainable Entrepreneurship


The ‘Feed Texel’ SS focusses on the increase of foods produced on Texel itself; and by doing so changing the everyday diet of the residents. A new ‘menu’ based on ‘Echt Texelse Produkten’. We believe that in order to make this a successful change, these products should be promoted more. A platform that provides information on these products is needed, a magazine that highlights the farmes and gives ideas for recipes. Connected with food related events; all these smaller interventions could be supported by the ‘Sustainable Entrepreneurship’ SS.  


Potential Tensions

No potential tensions, because this SS has the same aim as ‘Feed Texel’.