
Student on Texel, 2065

What does the life of a 23-year old student look like on Texel in 2065? This is my vision...

Futuristic beach

When waking up I firstly entered all the week’s groceries into the system, to order it for me. Then I got my health checked and get cleaned in the body-unit. It schedules a dentist’s appointment, which explains the tooth-ache, and tells the kitchen what to prepare for breakfast. It also advises a certain workout for today which I schedule after the learning experience. I put on my glasses and together with my friends we all meet at the beach to meet our virtual professor that starts telling about marine life, while it shows us real-time and sometimes virtual examples of his story. I get hungry and find my prepared lunch in my bag and we continue our experience inside the building turning the day into a visual and sensible report. After the professor provides its feedback from his home, I see that my friend also needs to swim 5 km. Then, dinner is prepared for my friends and me that have the same diet for the day, it consists of food from our own little garden at the sharing-grow-center, some fresh fish and a little supplement to power our body-chip. After drinking a few non-hangover-beers, we all get back to bed after this satisfying day.