
Research Den Haag in cijfers


Research ‘Den Haag in Cijfers’


This is a summary of all important data about Bouwlust received from Den Haag in Cijfers.

Population. Between 2014 and 2015 the grow of population is 0%. The estimation of population grow of the municipality of Bouwlust is 5% between 2012 and 2020.


Work. In 2014 the grade of the unemployed is 17,8%. This is higher as the overall rate of The Hague which is 10,8%. Most employed citizens are of the age of 55 and older.  41% of the unemployed in 2014, only finished primary school. And 29,2% finished only MBO, HAVO or VWO.

Living. In 2015 was 24% of the residence property of the occupant. 6,4% belonged to the private rental and 69,4% as the social rental.


Municipality The Hague

Feels sometimes unsafe in neighbourhood (% citizens)



Feels often unsafe in neighbourhood (% citizens)



Score safety in neighbourhood (average)



Feeling safe in Bouwlust in 2015. See table 1.


Criminality and nuisance.

This are the experienced varies from citizens of Bouwlust, due to criminality and nuisance.

1. Dog poo on the street. (26,5%)

2. Driving too hard. (23%)

3. Parking problems. (23,5%)

4. Trash on the street. (13%)

5. Loitering youth. (12%)

6. People in the neighbourhood. (10%)

7. Aggressive driving. (10,5%)

8. Vandalism on the street. (6,5%)

9. Cybercrime via internet. (12,5%)

10. Victim of demolitions. (9%)

11. Victim of bicycle theft. (7%)

12. Victim of car theft. (4%)

13. Drugs trafficking. (7%)

14. Harassment of people. (4%)

15. Burglary. (4%)

16. Drunk people at the street. (7%)

17. Daubed walls or buildings. (3%)

18. Pickpocketing. (3,8%)

19. Hospitality industry. (4,3%)

20. Threats. (3,8%)

21. Mistreatment. (1%)


Social Cohesion. Investigated with use of the ‘veiligheidsmonitor’, which gives a questionnaire to a sample of inhabitants. From these facts there can be concluded that

Social Cohesion (0=bad, 10=good)


I have lots of contact with people in my neighbourhood


I am satisfied about the population composition


My neighbourhood improved the last year


Grade living area


Grade living in the neighbourhood


Grade housing


In the neighbourhood are good play areas for children


In the neighbourhood are good provisions for youth


Citizens movement.

Bouwlust is the neighbourhood where the most citizens in The Hague are moving to another place and are moving to Bouwlust. In 2014 this where 994 citizens leaving Bouwlust and 927 arriving.