
The openresearch platform

This experimental site is a joint workspace as well a publication platform for the minors Responsible innovation (RI)International Development and Entrepreneurship (IDE) , Companies and Innovation as well as the course Sustainable Development  (academic year 2016/17). The open publications concern both Open Educational Resources as well as final reports on students' research activities for external clients.  
We do so  to spread multidisciplinary  knowledge, to allow that knowledge to be built upon and to train our students to experience the entire research process.   

These courses/minors are coordinated  by TU Delft, Faculty of Technology Policy and Management.

The minor RI is offered by Delft University of Technology, Leiden University and Erasmus University Rotterdam jointly.
In total around 300 students are enrolled for these courses.    

These minors have in common that they focus on core values such as safety, sustainability and inclusiveness and their students work on concrete case studies throughout the course. Our policy is open access, meaning that:

  • Students have to publish their findings for the broader public after a peer review process (unless this is not allowed because of privacy or commercial issues).
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  • To the extent possible we will publish our educational materials as Open education Resources under a Creative Commons 4.0 licence unless otherwise stated.

For the longer term our aim is develop a living lab (research assignment with and for professionals).