Nassim Taleb et al. recently published a paper on the statistical risks of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), and advised that GMO R&D should be heavily monitored based on the Precautionary Principle. You can read the paper here:
The Precautionary Principle (with Application to the Genetic Modification of Organisms)
by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Rupert Read, Raphael Douady, Joseph Norman and Yaneer Bar-Yam
However, since its publication, there has been something of a academic controversy, involving not just other statistical risk experts, but also bio-technologists with expert knowledge of GMOs. You can read one such critique to this paper here:
Advocacy Masquerading as Rational Argument?
by David Ropeik
What do you think of this debate? Do you think the Precautionary Principle should be applied to GMOs, and if so, how should the principle best be applied to practice?