
Peer Review Assignment 1


Here is our first peer review assignment. The second one – and the masterpiece ;) - is at the end of Week 7. Before we start a few words about the logistics for this assignment.

  1. The Peer Review Assignment consists of 3 steps: 
    Step 1: You submit your own contribution to the Assignment (see the next page for details)
    Step 2: Then you will continue by assessing the contribution of 4 of your fellow students (note: the peer review systems includes the rubric)
    Step 3:  Self-assessment.

    We strongly suggest you complete all 3 steps directly after each other! All submissions and reviews are submitted anonymously.
  2. You can also upload your contribution as PDF
  3. IMPORTANT: Please note the deadlines carefully! You have until May 16, 2016 at 23.00 UTC to complete thewhole assignment (= step 1, 2 and 3). We strongly suggest that you complete step 1 by 10 May 2016 in order to have sufficient time for review.

Time per step

  • Step 1: submission – 30 min – 2 hours, depending on your background and familiarity with the topics
  • Step 2: peer review – 15 minutes per review OR  60 minutes in total
  • Step 3: self assessment – 7 minutes

Why Peer and Self Assessment?

We believe that you will learn a great deal from reflecting on your own responses to the questions and on how others have evaluated the same assignment, and can share your insights into the similarities and differences between your own work and your peers’ in the feedback section. After seeing how others have tackled the same assignment, this may give you insights into how you would improve your own approach in the self assessment.

Guidelines for Peer Review:

We have provided a marking rubric for you to follow. But there are also several spaces where you can give detailed comments. Please give your peers the kind of constructive feedback that you would want to receive. Do not just point out the negative parts of someone’s work, but instead provide suggestions for how he or she could improve it. Try to both point out things that are well done and things that could be improved, and suggestions for how they might do that.

Please note that this is an international class, and many of the participants are not first-language English speakers. While clear communication and good arguments are key, spelling and grammar are significantly less important. So please do NOT penalise your peers based on spelling and grammar.

How does peer review work?

The EdX platform will randomly assign you four evaluation reports written by other students. The peer review, which you have until 16 May 2016 to complete, consists of the following steps:

  1. Read and review the critical evaluation report of your fellow student. Criteria for reviewing are:
  • Does the paper describe the emotions at stake and are they clearly explained? (5 points)
  • Risks are well explained and specific for the selected case? (7 points)
  • Does the paper include a clear and convincing analysis of the ethical issues considering the selected case? (7 points)
  • Is (are) the moral dilemma(s) clear and in agreement with question 1, 2 and  3? (7 points)
  • Do you think this peer's work is good enough to be shared with others (2 points)
  • Other - do you have any additional feedback to your fellow student?
  1. Complete the marking rubric. Don't forget to provide additional feedback whenever possible.
  2. Until you have submitted all the required peer review reports, you will not receive a mark for your own assignment.
  3. Last but not least, after you have done the assignment and received your grade, you can have a look at theTop 10contributions. One of them might be yours!

Enough about the logistics. Let's get started.