
Evaluation Moral overload

The preparation went well. We divided the different subject amongst ourselves and collectively thought about the way we could present the different subjects. After that we came up with a script on how to organize the class.

I started off by presenting them with some exemplary dilemmas. It was my intention to have the students move around the classroom to vote. Because we had less time than previously anticipated I changed this to voting by standing and sitting. Voting by walking would require a greater effort and therefore people would put more thought into their vote.  Despite this change in plans the questions did have the effect I was hoping for. Therefore they were a good and suitable introduction to my presentation. I am pleased with the result. I was unaware the teacher had to leave before I started my presentation but that doesn't change that it went well. Even though we didn't have an evaluation at the end of the presentation the comments I received from other students were positive. They told me I successfully kept them engaged during the presentation, which I think is in line with the teachers feedback:  'Jij presenteert heel vanzelfsprekend. Je maakte goede interactie met de zaal, liet het los en greep de teugels weer in handen. Je stem is mooi helder en goed verstaanbaar. Je zou kunnen oefenen met soms iets meer autoriteit te nemen. Met name in de transities tussen het ene en het andere. Anderzijds is de losheid ook heel prettig en je krijgt mensen geëngageerd.'

On hindsight I think it would have been nice to start off by pointing out the structure of the presentation to clarify the total picture so people can put everything more in perspective. On the other hand none of the students made any remarks on it so maybe it was not necessary.