

Required reading and literature for Engineering for Sustainable Development course

Literature available on blackboard - click here to access all literature. The link to the reviews is at the bottom.


Week 1: Texel as a sustainable island

Mulder, K.F. et al (2011). What is sustainable technology? In: What is sustainable technology? Perceptions, paradoxes and possibilities. Mulder, K. F., Ferrer, D. & Van Lente, H. (Eds). Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing.

Geels, F. W. (2004). "From sectoral systems of innovation to socio-technical systems: Insights about dynamics and change from sociology and institutional theory." Research Policy 33(6–7): 897-920.

Huang, B., et al. (2008). "Construction of an eco-island: a case study of Chongming Island, China." Ocean & Coastal Management 51(8): 575-588.

Lenzen, M. (2008). "Sustainable island businesses: a case study of Norfolk Island." Journal of Cleaner Production 16(18): 2018-2035.

Week 2: From vision to practice

Schot, J. and F. W. Geels (2008). "Strategic niche management and sustainable innovation journeys: theory, findings, research agenda, and policy." Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 20(5): 537-554.

Raven, R. P., et al. (2008). "The contribution of local experiments and negotiation processes to field-level learning in emerging (niche) technologies meta-analysis of 27 new energy projects in Europe." Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 28(6): 464-477.

Nevejan C., Brazier F.M., 2014.  Presence as Value for Design. In Handbook of Ethics, Values and Technological Design, Van den Hoven, J., I. van de Poel and P.E. Vermaas (eds.). Springer Dordrecht (NL).

Week 3: People making transitions

Walker et al., (2011). Symmetries, expectations, dynamics and contexts: A framework for understanding public engagement with renewable energy projects. In: Renewable Energy and the public: From NIMBY to participation. Devine- Wright, P. (Ed.). London: Earthscan.  

Hargreaves, T., et al. (2013). "Grassroots innovations in community energy: The role of intermediaries in niche development." Global Environmental Change 23(5): 868-880.

Week 4: SD in context

Sachs, W. (2000). "The rise and decline of an ideal." Wuppertal papers(108).

Ely, A., Smith, A., & Stirling, A. (2013). Innovation politics post-Rio+20: hybrid pathways to sustainability? Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 31: 1063-1081.

Week 5: Energy transition & midterm review

Mulder, K. F. (2013). Strategies for Sustainable Technologies: Innovation in Systems, Products, and Services. Handbook of Sustainable Engineering, Springer: 881-894.

Solomon, B. D. and K. Krishna (2011). "The coming sustainable energy transition: History, strategies, and outlook." Energy Policy 39(11): 7422-7431.

Week 6: Engineering for sustainable development

Pesch, U. (2014). Engineers and active responsibility. Science and Engineering Ethics. Published online: DOI 10.1007/s11948-014-9571-7

Lucena, J. C. (2013). Engineers and community: How sustainable engineering depends on engineers’ views of people. Handbook of sustainable engineering, Springer: 793-815.