

Empowerment of inhabitants

Empowerment of inhabitants

To ensure a successful sustainable transition, preventing  or dealing with resistance from inhabitants is very important. Most resistance can be dealt with by allowing for participation. Through the years, many participative methods have been developed to create more acceptance and support in communities, such as: Information, Explanation  and Negotiation. Negotiating with the island's community could shed more light on some of the doubts that the inhabitants have in relation to this project, whilst explaining why this project is shaped in this way could also increase the acceptance or support for the project.

In order to for this sustainable transition to be a success, the result of the transition should become a part of the identity of the Texelaar. By empowering the Texelaars, the islanders themselves could contribute greatly to the sustainability of their island. Empowerment happens "when people, individually or collectively, concieve of, define and pursue better lives for themselves." (Oswald & Ruedin, 2012) This empowerment could be realised by a platform supporting local sustainability related projects. By empowering these Texelaars, they could become an essential part of the sustainable solution for the island.

Oswald, K., & Ruedin, L. (2012). Empowerment sustainability and phasing out support to empowerment processes (pp. 16): OECD.