

Key words: Relation, Time, Place, Action

yutpa analysis - tourist


Tatiana Armijos Moya, Pinal Desai, Truke Zeinstra

The YUTPA framework, acronym for being with You in unity of Time, Place and Action, sheds light on specific presence configurations in which a person performs presence with YOU, in the NOW, being HERE, with a specific potential to DO certain things. (Nevejan 2014)

In this analysis, we understand the value of design in relation to presence of a person in terms of experience that defines an individual’s wellbeing and survival. From the point of view of public spaces, we define the YUTPA analysis for two kinds of users of public space, i.e the tourists who are temporary but important, and the Texelaars, the local community who define what implications are allowed to make changes to their “home land”.

The following analysis are subjective indicators and not objective calculated outcomes for facilitating conversation about a specific presence of design

We use this analysis to define the experiences we think are important or not priority for the users. This furthers us to emerge into a conceptual framework where we can tackle infrastructures relating to social, economic and technical aspects of sustainability in public spaces. 

Relation : the tourists visiting Texel have one role: as tourists. Their role as a doctor or a coast guard in other place is not so relevant as their reputation in this place. In public places of Texel, on an average, the tourists will be well behaved and display a kindness which we perceive as people with good reputation. In essence, this defined the activities they can perform, and hence a high engagement. This also defines what level of sustainable intervention needs to be designed. Since the people have a high rep, they will be more aware and concerned about avoiding unsustainable solutions, for example, dumping waste bottles on the streets, as observed in touristic destinations in mainland.  However, they do not truly connect to the importance of for example the historic sights. Hence, they do not exactly share the same meaning with the Texelaars, hence the communion is low.

Time: as people in public spaces, it is relevant to have a large amount of duration of engagement. As tourists on a holiday, the time they spend in activities is more important and adds value to their experience. They also want some level of privacy hence, they are not outdoor 24x7. However, it is important to make some special moments that are of significance and that brings them again to the island. Their engagement with public spaces has neither a need to be synchronized nor integrated  with the daily activities of the local people.

Place :  the experience for a tourist has a direct relation the place. What they feel about being there, the quality of activities and the time spend on them, how it makes them feel about themselves is all relevant for a public space. This defines the quality of the experience, and well-being they observe on the island.  The emotion attached to how it makes them feel or what they can do in the place is the key factors of the experience. Hence, the situated agency is important but the body sense plays a ky role. As that is the connecting factor to the emotional space and situated agency. Ofcourse, what they do/ products they require have a direct relation to the environmental impact.

Action : the quality of deeds relating to an temporary individual in a public space relates to activities that he or she performs for leisure.  These are different from activities they would need to do to synchronize performance, and also less relevant for their experience as a tourist. Also as a tourist their experience of wellbeing is far from a negotiation they would need to perform on a regular basis. However, when we involve some amount of tourist experience with the locals, we get a higher level of give and take relationship, where each party can learn from the other. 


Nevejan.C & Brazier.F, 2014, Design for the value of presence, Participatory Systems Initiative Systems Engineering, Delft University of Technology.