Authored content (12)
Problem Analysis
Intervention Cycle 2
Intervention Cycle 1
Safety, social cohesion and rhythm is influenced a lot by cultural clashes. Cultural clashes is influenced by a lot of factors. With the time management we focused on the lack of expression of pride. This is something that can easily turned in something positive. Pride about Bouwlust is something that is already there, we only have to make people conscious of this. Being proud on Bouwlust… -
Architecture: the art of human interaction
Roughly there are two ways to interpret architecture. On the one hand there is a style that includes the fact that buildings are based on… -
The do-it-yourself generation in the Open World
With the advent of Open Source and Open Design a whole new third industrial revolution is created. Intellectual knowledge is free and open… -
The influence of the rebound effect
Water scarity is a worldwide problem. Almost every country faces the fear of water diminution. Therefore a new market was created, a… -
Can everyone participate in eco-innovation?
Eco-innovating is an important phenomenon of the last decades. A lot of new innovations like solar systems, sustainable materials even… -
The quality of Quantified Self
It is inevitable that technology plays a big role in our daily life. Nowadays, we even start to give names to thermostats. For example Anna -
Genetic engineering, a problem solver or a problem causer?
The food-crisis keeps many busy everyday. There are still a lot of people who suffer of hunger. Around the world, 842 million people do not… -
The dark side of a Smart City
In 1945, asbestos was thé solution in building technology: it was strong, star, isolating and furthermore very cheap. The new material was… -
The Safe-Neighborhood App
One of the best ways to maintain some level of security in one's neighborhood is by fostering a community of alert citizens. Simply being alert to the presence of some danger is not enough, however. Citizens must also be able to share what they are observing with others, especially with law enforcement. This app is a social-networking smart phone application that offers a platform for sharing…