
Who are we?

As a group of Europeans, we do not know much things about Africa yet. We think that this project – TAHMO – will give us insight in the African culture, and teach us how to be effective and collaborating with the project itself. Because of our different study backgrounds, we offer a large scope of knowledge. We think that standing together could bring farmerline to a higher level. We are extremely curious about the status of the project and the design of the weather station and the results it delivers.

As a group of Europeans, we do not know much things about Africa yet. We think that this project – TAHMO – will give us insight in the African culture, and teach us how to be effective and collaborating with the project itself. Because of our different study backgrounds, we offer a large scope of knowledge. We think that standing together could bring farmerline to a higher level. We are extremely curious about the status of the project and the design of the weather station and the results it delivers. 

I am Selcuk Baran, a student at the Technical University of Delft. I am a Applied Earth Sciences BSc. student. During my study I do research for the railway industry, where I accompany and help PhD students with their studies and research. 

My name is Sjoerd van Hoof. I live in Delft and study at the Delft University of Technology. The study I attend is Civil Engineering. Apart from my studies I teach math classes to high school students. On the weekends I am usually being found playing field hockey or watching the other teams play. I like to get to know other cultures, for example I am learning Swedish at the moment for fun.

I am Evelien Habing and I am a fifth year Industrial Design Engineering student at the TU Delft. Besides studying I like to cook and paint. My personal interest in Industrial Design Engineering is making durable and usable products for people. The culture of people can influence a lot in how a design fits people. I just got back from a study trip to China, where I designed for a whole new (Asian) culture and I looking forward to discover the culture of Ghana.