
‘Innovation For Everyone’

I read it every day on big news about pioneering tech innovations. Most of the time I admire all the great innovations that new start-ups came up with. But for myself; no I am not thát creative or rich so I cannot innovate. During this course I more and more see our own built-in thresholds to innovate. A lot of people, including myself, don’t believe in self-made innovation. Why? I will give a few examples I experience concerning this topic:

Innovation in small steps

First of all we are impatience. We immediately want to have the idea for the new radical innovation of the century. It needs to be business-proof, bring in some serious cash and also serve a higher goal. Actually you need all this requirements to put an innovation to real life. When the idea is not an innovation, you will not succeed in practicing the idea. But most of the time we think too big. Our minds are focused on pioneering ideas, which holds up our creativity to come up with small ideas. Incremental innovation is a good example of innovation that is accessible for everyone. It can be a new way to open a can of beer or a new seat to sit more comfortable. Small ideas can produce a huge impact.

Second, we do not dare. Most of the people are risk-aversive. People want to control the environment they live in. This feeling of insecurity slows us down to put our great ideas into practice. We need to be more entrepreneurs. Stubborn, passionate and daring to take risks. Learning by doing is key for this. You definitely fail in this process, but the fact of failing is the best way to learn. Eric Ries talks about this in his book; ‘The Lean Start Up’. Ideas are not immediately worth to put into practice. But when pivoting this idea while putting it into practice it will be more and more a great innovation.

Third, we listen to much. All the people around us are risk-aversive as well. Parents, friends or even our wife. They all do not believe in the idea, like you do. Too many great ideas are skipped because of bad advices of people we love. We can take this advices into consideration n, but it does not have to be a threshold to innovate.

Fourth, we think innovation is only possible with a lot of money. Of course we need money to implement our innovation. That is a fact we cannot discuss. But in this times of venture capital and intrapreneurship this does not have to be a threshold to come up with more and more ideas. A lot of companies are willing to financially support small and big ideas that can change the world. So do not think about the money too much, think about how you can get partners. They have the money!

To conclude, the ‘management of innovations’ by our brains most of the times bears a lot of challenges. Don’t think you cannot innovate. You can! The only vital thing you need is the passion and dare to just do it. Enjoy the process and believe in your idea.


Corné Smaal / Business Administration / Erasmus University