
Long term plan

It takes time to make this project sustainable. A long term plan needs to be written for our successors and for S4S, so they know exactly what needs to be done.

The next three months the course on greenhouse farming will be finished. The next step is to make it a good running course with lots of participants. All this can not be accomplished in three months time, because trust in the project by the local farmers needs to be gained first. After three months the progress that has been made with the local farmers will be described, so the next students can continue turning this part of the project in a well functioning course, starting where we left off.

After three months our group will also have done research about the problems that arose while writing the plan for greenhouse usage by local farmers. The problems about the inflation rate might be resolved and we might have found a good candidate to make responsible for the greenhouses and for the project. This progress will be written down. In the years to come, the new students have to check if all our ideas work in reality. Also more research about the farmers’ own water supply systems need to be done, to see if more money needs to be saved up by the farmers to build a well functioning greenhouse at their own farm.

The next groups of students will have to persuade the farmers to continue greenhouse farming after following the course. Also for this matter it is important the progress on the connections made with the local farmers is written down precisely, so the next group of students do not have to start over.

The connection with S4S needs to be made and a timeline with milestones for the next couple of years needs to be created to give a good impression of the progress of the project that needs to be followed.

Our team expects to run into a lot of unforeseen problems. Like the water supply system that might not be used for the right purposes, diseases in the ground that kill the plants or not enough human resources to make this project a success. Every unforeseen problem we can come up with in the next three months will be added to the long term plan including the causes and a proper solution if possible.