
Previous Projects


Previous Projects

Previously two projects have been done concerning Moringa at KITA. ‘Mor Nutro’ is de name of the concept Tim van Teeffelen has developed during his sixteen weeks internship at KITA. He defines his project concept as follows: ‘a concept involving a food fortifying powder produced by local farmers and sold to educated local schools to increase nutritional intake’. By accomplishment of the study of his concept, he has been done a lot of research on the Moringa production process. The final result is an innovative programme that should be implemented in the Ashanti region. (Teeffelen,T.2014).

In November last year a second group of students participated in the Mor Nutro Powder project and left us with some useful recommendations:

  • Focusing on private schools as they are in a feeding program which will allow us to distribute Moringa to the children more widespread.
  • The medical directors at care centres are very interested in the moringa project at KITA, but not to implement it at their own hospital. This problem may be caused by the refusal of herbal drugs. Focus on schools first as it is easier to implement the powder here. Make appointment after educating to talk about powder supply.
  • Show Mor Nutro products and educate twice a year at St. Lucas hospital.
  • They also advise us to do follow ups on the visited places to see how they have implemented the new knowledge they were provided with. (Gijsberts, B. & Schuurman, M., 2015)

Starting position

KITA has been wanting to purchase a mechanical grinder for the grinding process to reduce costs on labour time. Through contact with Samuel Tayki we how found out that as of now the milling and packaging center is yet to be designed and constructed from start to finish.Therefore our objective is to start from the scratch including recommendations on the type of equipment needed for the processing of the powder to be bought and installed. Last year they found that at KITA drying racks, sifters, and other equipment to process the Moringa is already available.

 In march 2015 an article on the KITA wordpress states “We have now started our Moringa Training Project, sponsored by USAID’s “Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Horticulture”. And under the header progress they mention “So far we have gathered and bought 80% of the materials we will need, we’ve visited 4 communities, we’ve designed 80% of the training, and we’ve registered 35 participants. This is just the beginning!” After following up on this article with Christy Cook we discovered they had not yet started the actual training, but will be start the training once we arrive and the project seems to have stagnated since the departure of the previous TUDelft students. (Cook,C. 2015).