Project Description
The Mor Nutro Powder project is a follow up of the work of two other TU Delft students. Last year, the students focused on the recruitments of farmers who would be willing to grow Moringa trees and supply the leaves to KITA and they put a lot of time in educating students and nursing mothers at schools and care centres.
Since this year, 180 (namely) woman will be in training at KITA. They are being educated about ways to cultivate Moringa and also the marketing around the Moringa business. This years project focuses on the training of these women and the design of the production part of the Mo Nutro Powder business. This production part contains the design of a central milling and packaging centre and the design of a walk-in solar dryer.
Of course, also the educational part of the project, where students and other people from the target group will be educated about the importance of a well balanced diet and the way Mor Nutro Powder can contribute to this, will be continued as well.
Objectives Analysis
The problems that are addressed during the problem analysis can be reached from two sides. These are education and trade, which form the main instruments of the project.
By educating children, students, teachers, care professionals and nursing mothers about the importance of a well-balanced feeding pattern, vitamins and the value of Mor Nutro, people get to think about their own feeding pattern and the importance of possible improvement. By educating farmersabout the benefits of growing and selling moringa and setting up a way of training them, there would be enough farmers that plant tress and supply these to KITA so moringa would be more widely available.Here the problem in malnutrition and the main problem owner are Ghana citizens.
The main question in this sub goal then is:How can the knowledge and awareness about an optimal feeding pattern, vitamins and the advantages of Mor Nutro convince schools and hospitals to use Mor Nutro Powder in their meals and ensure that they purchase the powder from KITA?
KITA is contributing to the possibility for locals to buy Mor Nutro by taking in an intermediating position between farmers and purchasers. In order to provide enough Mor Nutro Powder, there are several aspects that need to be arranged:
- Enough farmers that plant Moringa trees and supply the leaves to KITA (supply).
- A milling and packaging centre at KITA with a capacity that is sufficient (process).
- Enough people/institutions/companies that are interested and want to buy the produced Mor Nutro Powder (demand).
At this moment none of the above is at a preferred level yet. So the problem is KITA is starting to get their own moringa business running, but to get a sustainable business, demand, supply and capacity of the business should increase. The main problem at this moment, is that there can’t be bought any Moringa from people until there is a milling machine. This is because the capacity at KITA isn’t big enough. The main problem owner here is KITA.
The main question in this sub goal:
How can the capacity of the milling and packaging centre at KITA be increased (on financial and logistic aspect) and the amount of customers so that the trained farmers can work for KITA?