Product scope
The main product of this project is Mor Nutro Powder. There are other products that can be made of the leaves of the Moringa tree, like shampoo, soap and oil. These products are left out of the scope.
Project Scope
Project requirements
The different institutes that are involved with the projects put emphasis on different objectives for the project.
What is in? The objectives
After taken all the project requirements into account, we came to the conclusion that too achieve all given objectives, three months is too short a time. Therefore a number of requirements have been selected and these form the objectives of this project. The objectives will contribute to improvement concerning the two main problems discussed in chapter one.
The main focus will be on the trade part of the project. This, because without a well functioning milling and packaging centre at KITA, the Moringa that the trained farmers produce can’t be processed and schools and hospitals cant be supplies with Mor Nutro Powder. Therefore education will not be useful until there is a milling machine. The selected objectives have been categorized as trade related objectives and education related objectives.
- Draft designing a central milling and packaging center at KITA.
- Draft designing a central walk in solar dryer at KITA.
- Making a business model for the Moringa Business at KITA.
- Development of a marketing plan and implementation of this plan by the marketing of Mor Nutro to senior high schools who feed their students.
Monitoring (possibly participating) and evaluation of the training of 180 farmers in making innovative products from Moringa.
Outlining a summary of recommendations to the various stakeholders (KITA, farmers, private sector, public sector, etc.) for the follow-up of the process
What is out?
These requirements are not left out completely, but are not being given priority. Of every requirement, there will be explaned why there is not being given priority.
- Developing ideas on how to make the Mor Nutro production process more efficient, including harvesting, drying, milling, handling, packaging, based on the outcomes of the 2014-2015 internship.
- The reason for this requirement to have less priority, is because it is important to first have the Moringa business running, and after this optimize the process.
- Draw up a report detailing the process of adding value to the Moringa products as will be taught to the farmers including a proposed business model with which the families will market their product.
- Of course this needs to be done, and when we have enough time we will, but in order to detail the process of adding value to the Moringa products, there first have to be Moringa products in production. This is the first step, training the farmers and teaching them how to make the products and how to sell them. After this we can focus on the previous requirement.
Furthermore, creating a solar dryer ánd a milling and packaging center in three months, is not very realistic. Therefore, both will be examined, but the chance that both will be created is very small.