In Ghana, malnutrition is a big problem. In this area of Africa, there has been estimated that 42% of all children under the age of five suffer from vitamin A-deficiency, which can cause serious complications (Larty, 2009). Malnutrition hereby is the cause of 40% of all deaths among children (Unicef, 2008). Besides this, pregnant women as well often are victims of malnutrition in Ghana.
By adding vitamins and proteins to the daily diet of this group of people, the malnutrition problem can be reduced significantly. One of these vitamin and protein rich products that can be used for the improvement of feeding patterns is Mor Nutro Powder, which is made from the leaves of Moringa trees.
This report sets out an overall project plan for the Mor Nutro Powder business at the Kumasi Institute of Tropical Agriculture.
First we will give a short introduction of the executive team of the project. After this, the project context will give a description of the fundaments the project is based on. Then, a the problem analysis points out what problems the establishment of a Mor Nutro business addresses. A full describption of the project will be given after this.
The objectives that the project contains will be discussed in the chapter about the scope. Here, also the objectives that we have decided that are not reachable or do not have priority are mentioned. How the objectives that have been put in scope will be reached is described in the following chapter, “approach of the objectives”. The different stakeholders that are connected to the project then can be found in the following chapter “stakeholders”.
In order to increase the sustainability of the project, a business model canvas will be created. This business model can be found in the chapter “Entrepreneurial context”.
Because of the fact that during the project there has to be dealt with cultural differences, there are a lot risks that have to be taken into account. The chapter risk managent describes these risks, the way we will deal with them and the different scenarios that can occur during our stay in Ghana. Hereafter follows the chapter about the finances and planning of the project.
Finally, the continuation of the project will be analysed.