An estimate of the financial situation and the costs has been made. As you can see from the overview a total of €1871,- euro is said to be needed in material and installation costs for the implementation of the current project plan of which KITA is only able to provide for €559,5- and has asked us to raise funds for the remaining €1000,-.This estimate also included a contribution from the TU Delft students of 50 euro per student per month, but as we have learned over the course of the minor it is never intended that students pay for project costs out of their own pocket. Therefore the original €300 that would have been provided by the students is now part of the amount left for possible funding which then amounts to €1300, -.
For the purpose of fundraising we started a campaign in which people could send in text we will print on shirts we will wear during the internship phase of the project. Their submissions are going to be printed by one of our sponsors print & stitch for a donation of minimally €10, -.
Additionally we have applied for funding at STUD and Students4Sustainability both of which are still pending as of now.
Seen in the next chart is the balance of the different aspects of the material costs mentioned in the overview on the previous page. This shows that the grinding equipment for the milling and packaging center is the biggest item of expense in the whole operation. As this really is an investment for the future sustainability of KITA’s moringa business we do advise them to make this investment and will try to help them where we can in finding funds to do so.