Milling and packaging centre
In order to set up a sustainable Moringa business at KITA, we need to close the described gap between supply, processing and demand. In order to create a capacity at KITA that will live up to the production needs in the future, we will focus on the construction of the processing center.
Both heat sealing and grinding equipment will be bought as well as tools and equipment for installation. When the finances allow so, the building of the shed where the milling and packaging center will be allocated, should be outsourced. After the build of milling and packaging center the equipment will be installed and made ready for use.
- The machine that Tim van Teeffelen gave tot KITA and the Mortar & Pestle, are both inefficient materials to grind the dried Moringa leaves with. This, because the machine can only mill a small amount at the time and can’t be used for too long at one time. The mortar and pestle have the disadvantage that never the whole amount of leaves is crushed fine enough to go through the sieve, so there is a big residue. To increase their capacity, KITA has to buy a new, bigger milling machine. During the internship, 180 farmers are being trained. Not all of them will produce Moringa and provide it to KITA, but when a certain number of farmers will be convinced to do so, there isn’t enough capacity.
- For a new milling machine, research has to be done for the best machine and the costs of this machine. Not only the purchase costs, but also the transport costs, installation costs, etc.
- For the milling machine again we will do observations at surrounding initiatives and take a look at how they process the Moringa Leaves.
Business Model Moringa Powder KITA
Before we arrive in Ghana, we will start by draft designing a business model for the Mor Nutro Powder and will adjust, add on and re-write it during our internship in order to leave a finished and suitable business plan behind. In the business plan we will aim for continuous growth
- Using the findings of the research done last year and based on the interest schools and hospitals have this year, we will try to define the demand in Moringa.
- Based on the demand calculations will be done in order to estimate the profit that KITA may be able to make off the Moringa business.
- A small research will be done in using not only the leaves of the Moringa tree to see if there are any missed opportunities.
Walk-in solar dryer
- Last year the TUDelft students made a small solar dryer for the Moringa leaves. This year we will improve on their design.
- Observations will be made at existing solar dryers.
- Inventory will be made of the materials we will have at our disposal.
- A small research will be conducted in what effect the shape and size of the solar dryer have on the drying process and possibly change the solar dryer based on that outcome.
- To optimize the drying of the Moringa leaves we decided we will design and build a walk-in solar dryer to increase the capacity of the leaves that can de dried at once. The design of this solar dryer will be based on the observations that will be made at GPI, that already have a similar walk-in solar dryer.
- A draft design will be made of the solar dryer, we set out to design 3 possible concepts.
- Concept designs we be discussed with experts and final concept will be chosen
- A building plan will be drawn including a final list of materials and tools needed which will be bought when not available.
- As discussed before, there will be designed a milling and packaging centre where this milling machine will be located.
Training of Farmers (Evaluation)
- We will participate in a few sessions in which the women will be trained in the growing of Moringa
- We will interview the women who have participated in the training sessions and plan to do a follow-up after the 3 months and see how they have set their training in practice.
- Make a short list of findings and recommendations about the trainings.
Education and Marketing
The following institutes are projects for education and marketing:
- Private schools (feed students themselves)
- Senior High schools
- Hospitals/care centres
Kwamo Primary and St. Louise Secondary are schools that have shown interest in Mo Nutro Powder in the past. Therefore, during this project we also will visit these schools and we will try to convince them in using Mo Nutro Powder in their meals.
- We will redesign and optimize de educational material using feedback from last years students.
- Print it out in Holland and bring it to Ghana.
- Make a list of schools and care centres in the area.
- It would be very helpful to visit care centre days in the neighbourhood. This way there are a lot of people from the target group reached at once. a
- Make appointments to visit the schools and centres.
- Teach them about the benefits of Moringa.
We will take an example dish or drink with us to these education moments, so that people can see how the Mor Nutro powder can be used.