
Value Proposition

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The product that is being offered via the various channels to the customers by KITA is the Mor Nutro Powder. There already is a Moringa business in Ghana, where other companies (for example the Ghana Permaculture Institute) are competing. So why should the customer as just described buy the Moringa powder from KITA? First of all, KITA spreads the awareness about malnutrition by the educational factor of the institute. Furthermore, by setting up the sustainable Moringa business, all customer needs as described above will be satisfied. KITA will employ their own trained farmers if they are willing to cooperate, what will create new job opportunities. Besides this, all connections between suppliers and customers are very direct, what makes it easy for the customers to give KITA the necessary feedback. When they do so, KITA can adapt and improve the business, which will make the Mor Nutro Powder a better product. Not only the people profit from the production of Moringa; also the soil that the Moringa is cultivated on benefits from it’s presence. Finally, as earlier mentioned, the target group of the project are people from the base of the pyramid. Often, this group is largely ignored by product manufacturers and service providers, and excluded by the formal economy (Prahalad & Hart, 2002).KITA focuses on this group, which means everything is customized for their living standards and KITA is operating under a hypothesis of mutual value creating; which implies that there must be benefits from the operations of the venture for both the customers as the partners. The better KITA will meet the needs of the customers at the base of the pyramid, the greater the return to partners, quality of the business value of the product (London, 2007).