


The goal of KITA is to develop a sustaineble Moringa business at their University campus, in order to provide a stable income for many farmers and to decrease the cases of malnutrition. This business model has been designed for the Kumasi Institute of Tropical Agriculture and their Mor Nutro Powder business to reach these goals.

The customers of KITA (students, nursing mothers and patients at care centres) are described to often be at the base of the pyramid. This makes it a challenge for KITA to convince these people to spend extra money on their food, in order to increase their health. This requires a clear educational programme, but also trust is from great importance. Also the farmers need to trust KITA in order to change their crops and start growing Moringa. This trust can only be reached through the long-term relationship and the reputation and notoriety of Moringa Powder. 

When this has been established, the business can be taken to the next level. Now there will be focused on schools and care centres for the sale of the Mor Nutro powder, in order to fight malnutrition, but eventually there is a broader market that can be targeted.

In order to reach the bigger market for Moringa powder, the product has to be refined and the capacity at KITA has to be big enough. This means, that the key resources like the milling machine and walk-in solardryer have function properly and the key activities, like the training of the farmers and