
acupuncture points


Friday, we presented our final products for our vision Texel 2065. After the presentation, we got the question from our audience: " What about acupuncture, where to place the needles in the web to reach this goal in 2065?"

Of course my answer was clear, we already designed these nerves point before coming to Texel. The milestones from all sub-systems are the point that settle the new pathway to follow. The follow link Texel research, will guide you to our subsystems when clicking on a sub-system you can find all chapters all students have written in the past weeks, chapter 4 is about the pathways and milestones.

Well, said the guy from the audience; "but where to I need to start investing 2 million now to start this whole process because I cannot invest in all sub-systems?"

I told that man, that there are 2 main points to start investing in. To do inventions and start-up processes people need to be educated. So, investing in an all connected school would be a very good start. The school should combine professionals, companies and students from all levels with each other. While educating children, youngsters, adults and elderly a large knowledge is gained in all kind of different topics which can influence the whole system. For each innovation knowledge and combined spirits will raise the total outcome. 

The second topic is named "call me local" people need to feel bonded with their Island. Most people on Texel already do that. But, the population need to be brainwashed with entrepreneurs. We call it enterprising. People need to be inspired and motivated to become just as good or even better. In this way, the sustainable level will raise like a competition among each other. 

So by investing in the local feeling, entrepreneurs and education, the pathway to a sustainable Texel in 2065 will start.