
About Ginger

Driebit is built on: Ginger.a semantic content creation platform which has been designed to create content together. Ginger offers an unique way to organise information, not in a classic, hierarchical way, but based on the semantic web. Everything is a thing and everything can be connected to anything, based on meaning.

Ginger enables the students at to connect articles they have written to each other, and to any other source they would like. Assigning sources, key words and other metadata to the articles, is essential for (new) contexts to arise. These new contexts can create new ways of thinking. Ginger allows social interaction and a semantic infrastructure, from which knowledge can arise.

Although the students work together, the authors remain tangible in the process. The research process is stimulated by ontology and the platform allows for both linear and associated structuring of data. Students using the platform are enabled to communicate with their stakeholders and by publishing their work in progress they can keep everyone up to date about their progress. Finally, allows its users to build a portfolio and display their finest work to the public.

More information on Ginger and its structure (in Dutch).

Other Ginger users are: Amsterdam Museum, Jewish Historical Museum, Nieuwsbegrip. Visit (in Dutch) for more cases.