
Supervision Guidlines

Important guidelines for supervision and way of working of the students.

Some guidelines have been developed for the supervision and behavior of students in the minor internship attachments. Supervisors and students, both external and internal, can take these as a general idea of how from the side of TU Delft supervision and working style of the students is preferably shaped. That doesn’t preclude that every context is different and may put additional and sometimes different demands.

General guidelines student supervision


  1. The overall learning goals of students in this minor program International Entrepreneurship and Development are that (1) students learn how to manage and work in technology related projects in a different cultural and institutional setting, and in addition, (2) that they have a comprehensive approach, by not only working on the technology, but also on a business plan, and/or marketing plan, feasibility study etc. etc.
  2. The students from TU Delft are expected to work independently, but also in good communication and dialogue, and under the guidance and within the limits posed by their supervisors.
  3. Supervision is more result oriented than process oriented. It is not necessary (should not be necessary) to tell the students each day what they should do, or keep strict working schedules. They are supposed to take initiative themselves in such a way that they fulfill their assignments. They are supposed to take initiative, but also supposed to ask for feedback all the way along, and also be sensitive to the guidelines and preferences of their supervisors, and work within their framework.
  4. The students have to make a project plan in which they delineate their assignment in quite specific terms: objectives, activities, timeline, milestones, deliverables. At the same time they should be flexible and adapt the planning to contingencies, unexpected events, and change of plan by their supervisors. They should have the ability to redesign their project plan accordingly and ask for feedback.

  5. Often students have to extract knowledge from experts by interviews. Experts can be university professors, consultants, civil servants, business people, but also ordinary workers and farmers are experts in their fields. Students in general are supposed to make appointments and conduct these interviews themselves. In the project plan it should be specified what type of and how many of such interviews.
  6. In case of unclarities or problems, delays or changes of plans from the supervisors, doing nothing for the students is no option. They are supposed to make contacts, make appointments with relevant persons, find out how the problems at stake can be solved, how plans can be adapted, how they can do a sensible job. To that end they take up contact with their local supervisors and/or their supervisor at Delft University of Technology and discuss and find a way forward in consultation with all the stakeholders.

  7. The students should work on the project in such a way that they take a long-term perspective. That means they have to look beyond the timeframe of their limited contribution and should be less concerned with short-term successes than long-term results.

  8. In the evaluation of the work of the students not only the result, but also the process is relevant. By process is meant here: did they cooperate well? Did they communicate properly? Did they take initiative, manage their time properly, involve stakeholders etc.? The learning process of participating in a development project and doing that well is often more important than the final result in terms of a prototype etc.

  9. TU Delft expects from its students to behave according to professional standards and to behave  as good ambassadors of The Delft University of Technology.