Chapter 1: Challenge, problem statement, ambitions and research questions
The island of Texel has a very high production of waste compared to the main land, this is caused by the high number of tourists visiting… -
§ 1.1 Scale and Focus of Materials and Waste sub-system
What are the scale and focus of the unsustainabilities in the sub-system you aim to overcome? The geographical scope of this research includes the complete island since waste of materials can be found in every corner of the island. The waste comes from households, industries and all type of businesses spread over Texel. The traditional tourism produces large amounts of waste, similar to other… -
§ 1.2 Societal needs with regards to Materials and Waste
What are societal needs that the sub-system have to fulfill? The waste and materials section mainly considers the disposal of waste and the re-usage of materials. We will investigate whether the principles of cradle to cradle can be applied to this theme. General needs of this system are derived from the policy of the Texel government regarding materials and waste (Gemeente Texel, 2013). - … -
§ 1.3 Criteria with regards to the future Materials and Waste sub-system
What sustainability criteria should the future sub-system meet? The amount of the total waste production on Texel is bigger than other similar municipalities (700kg of annual waste per head, instead of an average of 518kg). The main household waste components are: “green” and “grey” waste, bulky household waste, small-scale chemical waste, electrical and electronic equipment and “dry” components… -
Chapter 1: Challenge, problem statement, research question
The challenge: Current waste streams need to be reduced and the remaining waste streams need to be dealt with in a way that is both energy efficient and economically feasible. Ambition : To make the island waste wise as self-sufficient as economically feasible, while keeping its identity and potentials. The ambition is to close the loop of waste, looking at what is available on the island and…