
Chapter 1: Challenge, problem statement, research question

The challenge:

Current waste streams need to be reduced and the remaining waste streams need to be dealt with in a way that is both energy efficient and economically feasible.


To make the island waste wise as self-sufficient as economically feasible, while keeping its identity and potentials. The ambition is to close the loop of waste, looking at what is available on the island and what people, companies and agriculture really need.

Ambition 2020:

To reduce the waste streams by 20% (700 kg to 560 kg pp) and separate all the waste from companies, agriculture and households. Achieve the sustainable disposal of most of the materials belonging to the bio-cycle system. Recycling all the materials belonging to the technical system.

Long term:

Splitting completely the bio-cycle from the technical cycle of material-waste production. Reduce the waste streams from the technical cycle by reusing and recycling most of the material stream coming to the island. Re-use, compost and bio-digest the bio-cycle waste production of the island, in a close loop system, with different actors and strategies.

Problem statement:

The people from Texel produce 700 kg of waste per person, this is high due to tourism. The current way of dealing with waste is unsustainable. The current mindset about dealing with waste is old fashioned and there is no reuse of the biological waste stream. This is an unsustainable practice considering the enormous amount of biological stream coming from companies, the agriculture system, the tourism industry and households.

Research question:

How can more material and waste production involved on the island be reused into a bio-cycle closed system, keeping the identity and potentials of the island?

Sub question:

  1. What would be a realistic time frame to realize set goals. What is possible by 2020?
  2. What is the composition and potential of the current material-waste production on Texel?
  3. Is the current policy corresponding with the goals of self-sustaining Texel and where is room for improvement?