Narrowing the project scope to the bio-cycle on Texel
This section describes how are brainstorm session on how to bring Texel closer to their goal of becoming a self-supportive sustainable… -
3.1. Introduction
Successful projects should be locally embedded, provide local benefits, establish continuity with existing physical, social and cognitive structures and apply locally to appropriate communications and participation procedures (Raven, 2008). By lowering dependency on the techno-cycle and substituting this with closed loop bio-cycle systems, Texel can come closer to their goal of becoming self -
3.2 The design
The design exists of sub-systems that are interconnected and contribute to the total closed bio-cycle system. In figure 3.1 the system is translated into an image to display all connections between the systems. As can be seen the systems delivers products that can provide in the basic need: food. Besides this the system delivers aid products that are needed as resources to produce products. The… -
3.3 Explanation of interconnected sub-systems and supporting technologies
The system starts with the waste streams of households and the hospitality industry. In this section the sub-systems and supporting technologies are explained by following the journey of the waste-streams. Coffee waste For harvesting, processing, roasting and brewing coffee only 0.2% of the coffee biomass has value on the market. The remainder, which is rich of caffeine is wasted, leads to… -
3.4 Contributions and benefits for actors
The actors involved in the new socio-technical sub-system are: - Municipality - Households - Shops/companies - Hospitality (restaurants) - Plantation farmers - Animal husbandries - Biogas digester facility - NIOZ (seaweed center), Aquaculture technology - Composting facility Municipality The Municipality would be strongly linked to the… -
3.5 The system embedded in culture & behavior
The hospitality industry is one of Texels biggest industries, which makes tourism important. This system tries to attract tourists by representing the core values. The systems makes tourists acquainted with different types of food production techniques such as agriculture, cattle breeding and aqua culture. It gives room to display craftsmanship in these areas. As hospitality is one of the… -
3.7 Bibliography
References Konijn, R. 2014. ‘Waarom Te xel moet ontwikkelen om uniek te blijven’. Geraadpleegd op November 30, 2014: http://www.innofundnl.nl/nieuws-blog/1289/waarom-texel-moet-ontwikkelen-om-uniek-te-blijven.html#.VHsQADGUc1I Landscape architects for sale. 2009. ‘Deel 2 in het project ruimte voor ontwikkeling, samen zorgen voor de toekomst: gemeentelijke structuurvisie.Geraadpleegd op November… -
3.6 Rules and Regulations
The aim of the rules and regulations would be to ensure the running of a smooth society. As noted in previous sections, this can’t be…