
3.1. Introduction

Successful projects should be locally embedded, provide local benefits, establish continuity with existing physical, social and cognitive structures and apply locally to appropriate communications and participation procedures (Raven, 2008). By lowering dependency on the techno-cycle and substituting this with closed loop bio-cycle systems, Texel can come closer to their goal of becoming self-sufficient. In the design our group looked to what is available on the island and how this can be connected with local benefits.

To establish opportunities for participatory design our group wanted to stay close to some of Texel’s core values: peace and space, richness of nature and culture landscapes, alternation of landscapes and land use, maritime monuments, Texel identity and specific island character (Konijn, 2014). The citizens that are connected to each other and the island, an island economy that exists of small scale companies and great attention to hospitality, service and safety make Texel a unique island (Landscape architects for sale, 2009). 

The design tries to stimulate local economy by creating benefits for the five biggest industries on Texel: Hospitality industry, farming, shops, research and healthcare. By closing loops, waste is transformed into valuable resources for these five industries. This involves processes that can be connected to the richness of nature on Texel, which gives opportunities for the tourism industry to show visitors what Texel is about.