
4.3 Comparing sustainable leisure activities

When comparing the current and future sub system of leisure, there are some changes. Important to mention is that the expectation of future tourism is positive [1], so it is there will be more tourist each year. Now let's compare on four levels: technology, actors, culture and behavior, relations between elements and rules and regulations.

Texel prospect.png

 Effect of five main development directions for the Wadden regarding recreation and tourism [2] 

1. Technology

For technology there are some differences. First of all is the energy generating dance floor. If this is proven to be economically positive (or acceptable losses), De Toekomst will generate energy from dancing people. Next is the use of more sustainable ways to decrease the waste of energy and water, like greywater, and overall better insulation and leak-preventing structural changes. These changes don't have to be drastically, but will turn out to be decreasing energy and monetary expenses. 


2. Actors

When looking at actors, there aren't many changes. The business owners are still the same, just like all organisations and tourists. Except that the future prospect will be more tourists, as mentioned.


3. Culture and behavior

Culturally there might be some changes. When looking at the products and ingredients being used, it might change the reputation of restaurants. This will for example be the case if bug products are used for example. 

Also there will be a change in handling waste (mainly organic). Improved recycling programs may initially cost more effort and time, but will improve the overall efficiency of organic materials due to recycling. 

A larger change, however, will be the structural changes which require conviction and insight of all parties that the changes will result in a more sustainable activity, while not having a negative effect (in the contrary, it will be positive) resulting in a win/win situation. If this point is across, people will be more inclined to cooperate. 


4. Relations between elements

There will be some changes in the relations between business holders and certain organisations. This will mainly be for (a) recycle program(s). The lack of relations will mainly be because most changes will be individual and no specific interaction is required. There is, however, a link with the materials and waste sub-system and food & more sub-system.


5. Rules and regulations

Regarding the rules and regulations, there won't be many changes. However, in the future the legislation about bug products will change and this will most probably be positive. So these kind of products will then be legally approved, although the current sales already isn't a problem. [3]



[2], page 63, table 6
