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RI Information – 2015

Successful companies innovate and innovation can bring a lot of good to society, but it may harm as well. The challenge is to innovate in a responsible way: beneficial both to business and society. Then many stakeholders and many aspects have to be addressed so an interdisciplinary approach is needed. In this minor we combine the unique knowledge and skills of the three universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam. Each university contributes its own specific focus and expertise on Responsible Innovation. The students and teachers come from the different universities, and bring with them specific knowledge and perspectives from their universities.

Read: Additional information about this minor


The integrative focal point of this minor are the Student Project Groups (SPGs) which are mixed groups of 4-6 students coming from the three universities, tutored by academic coaches and their target stakeholder. In the SPG, the student will apply the Intervention Cycle (elaborated in chapter 2) to a real life case of innovation. At the end of each quarter, there will be a plenary seminar where the groups will present their results to fellow students, coaches and the target stakeholder. The SPGs are formed during the first integration seminar, also known as the Kick-off day of the minor. In addition to the SPGs, there are six Thematic Modules (chapter 3).

The minor is intended for students who are passionate about understanding dilemmas in responsible innovation. The minor encourages students to think about the people, planet and profit aspects of potential innovations. The following common features describe our target group: – Societally conscious: you have a vision to understanding dilemmas in responsible innovation; – Entrepreneurial spirit: you are open minded with a flexible and proactive attitude; – Value-driven: you have a wish to contribute to financial, ecological and social sustainability. We are looking for a high diversity of interests and backgrounds, in order to have strong cross-disciplinary teams with higher and more effective innovation capacity!


Six modules:

There are six Thematic Modules. Topics dealt with in the Thematic Modules (courses) include:

  1. introduction to responsible innovation and value sensitive design; 
  2. corporate social responsibility; 
  3. responsible systems innovations and interface management; 
  4. responsible management of risk and safety; 
  5. ethical, legal and innovation aspects of intellectual property; 
  6. responsible bioscience and biotechnology, and management of the innovation process.

360 Degrees Working Methods (including online video clips) will broaden your perspective and provide you with examples and tools.