
Saline agriculture Texel: an example transition project 2006-2010

Dutch article on experimental research of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam on Saline argiculture on Texel.

Saline garden with sea beet, scurvy, monk beard and samphire in 2008.

The Saline Agriculture Texel project was launched in May 2006 on the plot near 'Petten' on Texel. There was chosen for a Experimental garden nearby the plot where about twenty different potential saline crops have been studied for their growth under saline conditions for two years and their market potential. The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam focused in the research on Texel on Seakale, Beach Beet, Plantago coronopus, Monk Beard, Odourless chamomile and Wild Rocket. A long research also took place at the 'Afsluitdijk' which has served as a reference for the natural growth of helophytes. In the greenhouses of VU several growth experiments are conducted under controlled conditions, which have been used to develop the cultivation of different crops on Texel. The cultivation of mainly Seakale, Briny Beach Beet and Arugula is scaled up successfully and the products are deposited on the (local) market. By including the promotion through various channels and the unique taste of the salty vegetables is a rising demand for the saline crops in many cases exceeded the supply. Link to the article: